
Friday, May 31, 2013

What basics have you been taught?

 Did you know that the only dry ingredient that should be measured packed is brown sugar? How many of you know that the best way to measure flour in a cup is by using something else to put in the cup? The reason is very simple, if you put your measuring cup into your flour you are going to pack the flour and you treat will be more dense than light. 

My grandmother used to use a knife to make a level cup but if you use the knife to tap it down, you are packing it again.

Do you know why there is a measuring cup for dry and a measuring cup for wet and the two should never be mixed? For example, if you use a liquid measuring cup for your dry goods you stand a good chance of getting too much and if you use the dry for the wet you may get too little. For example: 1 cup of flour weighs 5 oz. not 8. Just another reason to have a scale and get your recipes by weight not volume.   

Now if all your recipes are in cups and you don’t want to convert them just remember to use the proper tools. If you want to convert your recipes, there are websites that will help you convert specific ingredients or if you have a recipe and it’s on the back of your favorite bag of chocolate chips, some companies are willing to do the work for you, but always check the math because sometimes these companies will do the measurement with the wrong tools themselves. Still it never hurts to ask if they can give you the same recipe by weight instead of volume.

And as always, make your life sweet and Enjoy!

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