
Monday, June 17, 2013

Macaroons have coconut, Macarons have color and pizazz

When you hear someone say they like macaroon cookies you think of the sticky coconut concoctions known as macaroons, but when you hear someone say they like macarons, you want to correct their English or you assume that is how they say macaroons in France. In both cases you would be wrong! Macarons are a colorful cookie that you can share with your friends who can’t have gluten or choose to limit their intake of wheat products. They are usually filled cookies that would make the Easter bunny blush.
These cookies are made with almond flour and you don’t have to go out and buy almond flour if you already have almonds in the house. Just put the almond in a food processor and break it down to as fine as you can. This recipe call for you to put the flour and powdered in the food processor and pulverize it even more.

Gerbet Macarons
Almond Flour             12 oz.
Powdered Sugar         15.3 oz.
Egg Whites                 9.3 oz.
Sugar                           4.7 oz.
Food color as needed
Buttercream frosting as needed

  1.  Preheat oven to 325° unless using convection then 300°.
  2. Prepare sheet pan and piping bag.
  3. Pulverize almond flour and powdered sugar in a food processor and put it through a sieve. Set it aside.
  4. In the bowl of the mixer fitted with a wire whip, whip the whites until, and slowly add the sugar. Whip it to stiff peaks. Pull a balloon whip or hand held whip through the mass of egg whites to make smooth and even.
  5. Fold in ¼ of the almond mixture and food color. Fold in the rest. The batter should fall from your spatula in slow thick ribbons like lava. Should be shiny, if it isn’t keep folding.
  6. Pipe 1/2” wide and 1/4” tall disk/blobs. **the tips should disappear within 1 minute, if it doesn’t then the batter is too thick and should be remixed.
  7. Let the disks sit for 45 minutes
  8. Bake them for 18 minutes turning the pan for even cooking about 9 minutes into the bake.
  9. Let them cool, remove from pan, fill and add the other disk for the sandwich look.

If you want to have more than one color of cookie, I would start with an easy 2 but if you are more daring make it more just remember to add even amounts of almond mixture to each bowl along with the food color of your choice.  These cookies are a little sweet but they are delicious.You can color the butter cream to enhance the different colors of your cookies. 

Remember to keep life sweet and Enjoy!

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