
Monday, June 3, 2013

Salt or no Salt in my Butter

My sister, Debbie asked if salted butter really made a difference in the taste of butter cream frosting. I told her that it did to me. Look, I like to know that my butter cream is made with real butter and I want to taste butter not salt. Some companies put more salt than others so you are never sure how much salt you are getting in a given bite. Besides salt has a place in my baked goods so why would I want to add more to its topping.  

If you have always used salted butter, it’s not a huge deal, but the next time you make frosting try making it with unsalted butter or if you have the inclination make a batch with both and have a taste test with your friends. It will be a lot of fun, make some cupcakes two batches of frosting and then start tasting. Better yet, have a bake sale and donate the funds to your local Red Cross or your favorite charity. 

So Make life Sweet and Enjoy!

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